Monday, April 8, 2013

Want a White, Healthy Smile? 6 Tips to Naturally Obtain a White Smile

A bright white smile is highly desirable in our society these days. All around you are commercials and advertisements of a smiling young man or woman with white teeth trying to sell a certain product. We see friends and neighbors smile with a bedazzling set of pearly whites and maybe even find ourselves thinking, “I’d give anything to have teeth as white as him or her!”
If you find yourself wishing you had whiter teeth, then I have 6 tips for you to help you naturally obtain that white, bright smile you have been dreaming of having. Check out my tips below!
Avoid Dark Liquids – There are certain liquids that will stain your teeth over time, namely, dark liquids. To maintain a beautiful white smile, avoid drinking red wine, black tea, dark cola, dark gravy, and dark juices. Remember, if it’s dark before it goes into your mouth, they will more than likely stain your teeth!
Eat Crunchy, Crispy Foods – I am not talking about those delicious potato chips you love here! Crunchy, crispy fruits and vegetables have an abrasiveness that can help lift stains from your teeth. Try eating healthy, crunchy foods like apples, celery, and carrots to help “clean” your tooth surface without posing any harm to your delicate, irreplaceable enamel.
Chew Sugar-Free Gum with Xylitol – Gum lovers, rejoice! Chewing sugar-free gum can help you obtain and maintain a whiter smile! Just make sure that the gum has xylitol, a natural sweetener that can help prevent plaque. Xylitol will also neutralize the pH levels in your mouth and increase your saliva production, which naturally cleans your mouth.
Brush Your Teeth At Least Twice a Day – This might seem like a no-brainer, but it still needs to be stated! You technically should brush after every meal, but the minimum stands at twice every day. The most ideal times to brush are first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed at night because saliva dries up at night, allowing bacteria to build up in your mouth as you sleep.
Floss Every Day – Hand in hand with brushing, you should strongly consider flossing every single day for a healthier, whiter smile. Many people underestimate how much staining can occur in between your teeth. Flossing can remove much of the staining that occurs between your teeth along with plaque buildup. If you find yourself less likely to floss at home, try placing small flossing boxes in your desk at work, in the bathroom, in your car, or even in your nightstand!
Drink With a Straw – To avoid as many stains as possible when drinking a beverage, remember to use a straw instead of allowing the liquid to slide over your teeth. Remember, the less contact potentially damaging substances have with your teeth, the better and the whiter they will be!
Want more tips? Need to book an appointment? Just call my office at (618) 288-0600 or visit online at! Your new amazing smile is waiting for you!

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